Christmas trees often have a star or an angel on top, but at one Arlington home this week, an owl flew down the chimney like a certain jolly old elf and did a little decorating of its own.
Susannah Burgoyne was caring for her baby Wednesday when she heard something in the fireplace. Later in the day, the dog got nervous and howled.
A little while later, Burgoyne went to the kitchen and found herself face-to-face with a barred owl.
“I walked into our kitchen, and there was a huge owl sitting on our baby’s highchair,” she said.
The owl flew over to the Burgoyne’s Christmas tree, knocking the star off the top and replacing it.
“I’m, like, very personally sad that there’s no Hogwarts enrollment letter that it came with,” Susannah joked.
“It’s a magical Christmas moment that it felt comfortable on top of the Christmas tree,” she said. “It knocked over our star.”